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Shaking leg

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hi everyone. As you know things are changing for me and im a bit more mobile at home but something is now more apparent and i still dont know if this is related to my ms ms not. Overall im stronger but my leg still shakes and trembles after a few minutes of being on it. Like it has no strength at all. Does anyone else have this problem and if so what can be done about it or did it get better? Overall im better than i was and my back pain is less but this leg just wont stop trembling. Not when im resting only when i walk on it and within seconds. Its obviously not that weak because it keeps me up but its not just the feeling of weakness like i have when i get what i call my spaghetti legs this is a visible obvious shake like im on a nerve or something. I have one of those bands to use but is it likely to help do you think?

derby x

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Hello Derby,


I get this shaking leg from time to time. It's almost like my leg is protesting about being used. It's not painful at all, just shakes and trembles. It comes and goes and is just annoying really.


Are you referring to 'therabands' ? Sort of long rubbery bands? I use them to excercise with when laying down, I use the band to help introduce some resistance and hence stretching those leg muscles. Any excercise is a good thing so I'm sure they help.


Hope it vanishes soon for you.




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Thanks scully. Its not something that comes and goes with my leg though its there all the time when im up on it. It scares me. Yes thats the band i have.

derby x

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I used to have a shakey leg when walking or sitting down but ok when lying or sitting with feet up. Went for physio to address general weakness and poor balance and when she saw me walking she said I had developed 'clonus' (I think that was what she called it) related to foot drop and increased muscle tension and weakness. I was given a foot splint which makes your heel go down when walking and over time the shakey leg has stopped. Now only get it occassionly when tired or when sitting without the splint for a while. Cx

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thanks carrie. Im gonna look into that. Im ok when im sitting its just when theres weight on it. Its really horrible and i thought i was stuck with it. My leg is very weak too, my physio said i have total muscle weakness thats why she gave me the band to use. She isnt a neurophysio though so maybe i might improve even more when i return to that.

derby x

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Hi again. I've read about clonus and i think that's what i have. Is there a med that can help with it? Has anyone else recovered from it? I think this is major issue with my walking. When i walk my leg bounces and even when im lying down doing my exeRcises it wobbles all over but lying still its fine

derby x

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