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:( whats going on

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Hello my lovely

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Hello Tracy,


Sorry you've been going through it recently.


You've done the right thing in going to your optician firstly to rule out optic neuritis. Having said that, not sure if there is any explanation as to why your eye pressures are so high?


The fatigue is certainly MS related, the constant need for sleep,added to broken nights of sleep won't be doing you any favours.


The headaches with a sickness feeling sound a bit like migraine maybe? Migraine can also cause vision blurring too, so it's a good move to see your GP and have him check you out for that. I recall there is something called 'cluster migraines ' where several migraines all follow each other, but your GP is the only one that can determine that for you. It can sometimes be all too easy to blame everything on MS huh?


Poor you, I hope it clears soon for you and you can get something to chase this away!




They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


"The truth is out there"

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Hi there


I am not dx but I can sympathise with you if it is migraine related. I have been having those since I was 11, so for some 36 years now. But these days I tend to get what I call head pain. I will get a shooting pain in myhead that lasts for a few minutes at a time. It will go away and then a while later it will happen again. I am gladnyou went to the optician. I was first drawn there suffering double vision followed by waking up at 3am with no vision in the left eye. It was nearly two days before I could see clearly, well almost clearly again. But of late I feel I am banging my head on a brick wall. if it was not for this site I think I would go nuts.

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Thankyou Both :hearts_circle: I went to see my neuro last week and he confirmed its nothing to do with the MS infact as far as that goes he thinks im doing really well. He thinks it is migraine related and thats what caused the blurry vision and the sickness too. So he is starting meon beta blockers for at least 3 months to try and keep them at bay hopefully now things will start to improve :) x

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