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Speech problem

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Hi everyone. I have recently started to to find it difficult to speak when I get tired. I feel as though my lips are rubber and saliva starts to come out of the corners of my mouth. My speech sounds a bit slurred. I've had a swallowing problem for many years, but my speech has always been fine. Does anyone else experience this just when they get tired, with normal speech the rest of the time? Many thanks to anyone who replies.

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Hi Carra, yes i experience this too when i am tired, also mid sentence i lose track of what i was saying and struggle to find the next word even though what i mean to say, it just won't come.


I've got while i just shake my head, shrug my shoulders....and give up...bedtime!!


Take it easy.

Cazza xx

*A Christmas Carole*

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Just a quick one but I'm having a very stressful time now and my speech has got really bad as has my bladder my walking you name it and I'm really really tired too so your not alone

derby x

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Chronic fatigue is dreadful, causing so many symptoms to worsen massively, I have had ms for 20 years and have had to get used to and accept having to sleep for large parts of the day, saying that when I do rest enough I manage very well :D I just don't get a lot of hours in a day :/

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Thanks everyone for your replies. Yea, everything gets worse when tired. Despite having MS for many years, I still find it hard to pace myself. I think that's the hardest thing about MS....the unpredictability....even within the space of a few hours. I have SPMS now. Good luck everyone, and take care. X

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